BeginOverlap fired multiple times (Example and how to fix)

I’m sure this has been reported already but since I can show how to reproduce it easily and how to fix it I thought maybe I should report it while providing a fix for those who are having the same issue.

I have a 2 minutes video where I show the problem and how to fix it, I’m sorry if I was not coherent enough, English is not my native language.
Here’s the video: Here

To reproduce:

  1. Start a new third/first person
  2. Check the “Run dedicated server
    option” with 1 client (1 client is
  3. Create a new actor blueprint and
    add a collision box, uncheck hidden
    in game to see the collision box in
  4. Add OnBeginOverlap, drag a pin
    and add Has witch authority and drag
    from Remote (we’ll test with clients
    only) and print something to the
    screen to see when a client
  5. Run through the box collision and
    you’ll notice sometimes you get 2 to
    3 overlaps, sometimes you get an
    additional overlap just after
    exiting the area.

To Fix:
In the overlap event add a DoOnce node, use it to print something for example then reset the DoOnce after a delay of 1 second (you can get away with less delay)

PS: If you handle the overlap on the server only everything work just fine.

Thank you and keep up the good work.

Hi SenToRious,

Thanks for the additional repro. This is a known issue that is logged as JIRA UE-30816. It is currently targeted for a 4.16 fix.
