UMG Menu visibility messes with button OnPressed events

I am trying to create a main menu for my game in VR following [this][1] tutorial. The Main vertical box starts visible, and the Settings box starts invisible. When the settings button is pressed, the visibility toggles using the functions in the attached image. Once this happens, none of the menu buttons (namely, the return button) register an OnPressed event. I can hover over them, but pressing them doesn’t do anything.

It seems as if toggling the visibility of the boxes disables the interactivity of the buttons. The first button presses work fine, but after switching to the Settings box, they no longer work.

Has anyone else run into something like this?

maybe i would need to see the rest of the widget code, i have a similar code, a button on menu that opens the settings menu and a button on the settings menu to go back to the main menu, the only difference is that i’m setting visibility to “collapsed” instead of hidden, and it’s working here but i’ve not tried using with VR, i’m also using 4.15

I have also tried using collapsed, with the same result. I was also able to make it work in a normal game, but not in VR. I don’t know if it’s something related to the WidgetInteraction component on the MotionController, but since I am able to toggle the visibility the first time, I don’t think it’s that. But after that first time, none of the buttons respond to presses.

Finally figured it out. The issue was unrelated to UMG. I had forgotten to add a Release Pointer Key to my MotionController trigger and widget interaction component.
