Are BlueprintNativeEvent and BlueprintImplementableEvent Reliable by default?

I finally discovered the power of BlueprintNativeEvent and BlueprintImplementableEvent ! Good stuff.

But I need to know if those are Reliable as default.

With this declaration:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Reliable, Category = "Character Creation")
void Client_HandleName(const bool result, const FString& error);

I get this: error : ‘reliable’ specified without ‘client’ or ‘server’

So if I try to add ‘Client’ :

UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Client, Reliable, Category = "Character Creation")
void Client_HandleName(const bool result, const FString& error);

I get this: error : BlueprintImplementableEvent or BlueprintNativeEvent functions cannot be declared as Client or Server

So it seems impossible to declare it Reliable.

Is it reliable by default? Would be very bad if not, and no way to make it reliable.


This question is wrong, but I realized it only later on in my tests. I was hoping that BlueprintNativeEvent and BlueprintImplementableEvent were also calling the client , so switching sides, but they are not. If you call it server side it will run server side, if you call it client side it will run client side. So no network transfer happens.