Actor rotation problem

Hello guys, I’m trying to rotate a revolver handgun cylinder each shot by i had a problem after three 3 shots when roll is near to 180 …

    void Weapon::FireWeapon()
    	float CurrentRoll = CylinderComp->RelativeRotation.Roll;    

    	if (CurrentAmmo -1 < MaxAmmo / 2)
    		MaxRoll = ((CurrentAmmo * -1) * 60);
                //This section works for three first shot
    		MaxRoll = (MaxAmmo - CurrentAmmo + 1) * 60;

    	GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle_CylinderAnim, this, &Weapon::AnimateCylinder, 0.01, true);

void Weapon::AnimateCylinder()
	float CurrentRoll = CylinderComp->RelativeRotation.Roll;
	FRotator CurrentRotation = CylinderComp->RelativeRotation;
	float TargetRoll = 0;

	TargetRoll = FMath::FInterpTo(CurrentRoll, MaxRoll, GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(), 18);

	CurrentRotation.Roll = TargetRoll;


	if (TargetRoll >= MaxRoll)

The problem is i don’t know how to handle when degree is greater than 180 as UE4 rotation system is a little bit different!


Hello guys I found the solution, It works now, if anybody have similar problem on rotation can use this:

void Weapon::FireWeapon()

	MaxRoll = (MaxAmmoPerClip - CurrentAmmo + 1) * 60;

	GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle_CylinderAnim, this, &Weapon::AnimateCylinder, 0.01, true);

void Weapon::AnimateCylinder()

	FRotator TargetRotation = FRotator(0,0, MaxRoll);

	CylinderComp->SetRelativeRotation(FMath::RInterpConstantTo(CylinderComp->RelativeRotation, TargetRotation, GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(), 500));
	if (CylinderComp->RelativeRotation.Equals(TargetRotation, 1))
