Camera change (Set View Target with Blend) not working 4.15

I recently wanted to change smoothly between two cameras, the thirdpersoncharacter camera and a default camera actor I created.

I simply used

Set View Target with Blend

to do this and it worked switching from the player camera to the camera actor, but when I wanted to switch from the camera actor to the player camera the player camera is low to the ground and unusable.

I have seen many YouTube tutorials and it worked fine for them and I even started multiple projects and the same problem occurred.

I have attached screenshots of my code and the problem in game below.

Please Help

Hello AranAnime,

Your issue is how you are getting your player character, the method you have right now is snapping to the origin point of your character, not the camera actual position. To fix this on your blend back to your character your reference for the New View target should be the Get Player Character node!

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Thanks man