4.14 lighting scenario not working correctly

hi every one, i’m working on a scene and trying to use the new lighting scenario in 4.14 but all i keep getting is a mess of mixed day and night scenario, i tryed the following:
1- all my geometries are in the persistent level without lights
2- i have two sublevels one with my day lights and one with my night lighting
3- light scenario is on for my two sublevels
4- i hide my day scenario and build light and then do the same with night scenario
5- using BP i load night scenario and unload day one
and then everything goes crazy, loading dayscenario load day light but night geometries (some volume light BP i placed in) and loading nightscenario loads day geometries and night lighting.
in the viewport toggling betwen the two work just fine but in game things are missed up, so what i’m doing wrong here? i don’t understand.

it was a bug in my 4.14 it work just fine in 4.15