UProceduralMeshComponent::ClickedOnConvertToStaticMesh::Wont work with only 3 vertex


At line 127 (// If we got some valid data. ) Checks for more than 3 vertices:
if (RawMesh.VertexPositions.Num() > 3 && RawMesh.WedgeIndices.Num() > 3)

It should be >= 3 so it does not fail when there is only one polygon

Hello Yahll,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I’ve reproduced what you’re reporting and, while I’m not sure if this may be intended, I’ve entered a bug report. Even if it’s not intended to be able to make a static mesh with only 3 verts, I’ve requested that they add a warning/error if so. You can find the report and track it here: UE-42310

Have a nice day!