UMG Scrollbar changing position

Hello , I currently have a scrollbar widget going on , with a parent of a “Size Box” and “Border” , when I open up my widget , the scrollbar seems to be on the right side and I can’t find anyway to change them to the left. Any idea how I can do that?


Hello Kelvin,
I am having some trouble reproducing your issue. I have a couple questions that will help me narrow down what issue you are experiencing

  1. Could you provide screenshots of your UMG?
  2. For the scroll box component is it set to Horizontal Alignment Left?

Hello , the scroll box component has also been set to Horizontal Alignment Left , no luck the scrollbar is still on the right.

Unreal Engine does not have a default option for orienting the scrollbar to the left side of the box; however, I have a work around for you that give you your desired result. For your scroll box’s detail panel under the random transform option change the scale of X to -1 and this will flip the scrollbar to the left side, but will also flip everything inside of the scrollbox.

To correct the items inside of the scroll box, put all of your items into a vertical box (or horizontal depending on your scollbox’s orientation) Then in the vertical box’s Details detail panel under the random transform option change the scale of X to -1.

The End results is your scrollbar working functionally on the left side, while all of your items are facing the proper way inside of the vertical box!

Good Luck Creating!!


Thx a lot!!!