Is there a macro reference anywhere?

I see a lot of C++ macros in the engine and in example games, so I’m wondering if there’s a reference for all the macros in the engine so I can see what they are used for and stuff.

interested in it aswell

Hi vibgyorc6,

Are you referring to the UCLASS, UPROPERTY, and UFUNCTION macros? If so, you can find more information about the specifiers they use in the following locations:




If you need information about anything else, please let me know. Also, our documentation team will be adding more detail to our programming documentation soon, so if something looks like it could use some more information, that information will be coming soon.

I know about those macros. I’m talking more about others that are sprinkled all over the engine source, such as UE_LOG. That’s the only one that comes to mind, but simply taking a quick look at Actor.cpp, I see things like “DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC”, “SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER”, and “DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE”. I know they’re not all necessary for simple game development, especially since I’m not doing anything fancy, but I’m a curious person, so it would be nice to know what they do, how to use them, etc. Would it be possible to include them in the API docs?