SpawnActor(ClassName) is not working properly may be

hi previously when i used ue 4.6 then SpawnActor(ClassName) was spawning the actor and the spawn transform point was the edge of the spawned Actor but now in ue4.15 SpawnTransform point is the middle of the spawned actor…am i missing something…? i am developing an endless running game and i need floor to be spawned at the edge of previous floor and i have set the spawn point at the edge also…but the next floor which is spawning as taking the spawnpoint as its center location something like this…

I’m not sure why it was working before because apparently this is expected behavior.

The SpawnActor node spawns the pivot of an actor on a certain transform.
The pivot is the 0, 0, 0 position inside the blueprint editor.

In your second image, we can see that the 0, 0, 0 position is the center of the floor. That is why it is the center that is spawning in the spawn point.

In order to solve this, you can either move all the components forward (I think it will be 500cm in your case). (If you decide to do this, I suggest creating another scene component, parent everything else to it - except the root scene component and move it.

Or you can simply move the spawn point 500cm forward. :slight_smile:

I hope that helps.

i understand that properly but can you explain this video…i was following this tutorial and i was expecting something like this video

link text

In this moment in the video, he moves to floor to make sure the floor`s edge is at the origin (0,0,0). Did you remember to do this step?

sorry my mistake i forgot to move the floor object 500 at x axis…i get it now…Thank you