LogBlueprint:Warning: ExposeOnSpawn

When I load my project I get these warnings in the log. It says there is ambiguity among my variables. I looked at the blueprint in question and the only think unique about those variables are that yes, they are both “editable” and “exposed on spawn”. I’m not sure what is causing the issue. I’m going to assume its pretty minor since everything is working but I would like to resolve the warnings all the same.

LogBlueprint:Warning: ExposeOnSpawn ambiguity. Property 'ObjectPropertyEngine/Transient.REINST_bsSpawned_Template_Enemy_C_177:SpawningActor', MetaData 'False', Flag 'True'
LogBlueprint:Warning: ExposeOnSpawn ambiguity. Property 'ObjectProperty /Engine/Transient.REINST_bsSpawned_Template_Enemy_C_177:SpawningAttribute', MetaData 'False', Flag 'True'
LogBlueprint:Warning: ExposeOnSpawn ambiguity. Property 'ObjectProperty /Engine/Transient.REINST_bsSpawned_Template_Enemy_C_177:SpawningActor', MetaData 'False', Flag 'True'
LogBlueprint:Warning: ExposeOnSpawn ambiguity. Property 'ObjectProperty /Engine/Transient.REINST_bsSpawned_Template_Enemy_C_177:SpawningAttribute', MetaData 'False', Flag 'True'

I’m also having this issue, did you ever figure it out?

From reading about it, it seemed as if I had a circular dependency, I solved it by using event dispatchers

Could it be that you have multiple classes in the inheritance hierarchy, and somewhere along the line two classes define variables with same names “SpawningActor” and “SpawningAttribute”?