How to get the size of a separate blueprint actor still in the BP folder.

So im trying to get actor bounds from an actor in another folder before its loaded into the game environment so i can properly space the spawns into columns. However when i reference my actor Block000 it returns value=none and the flowing error; Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property Block00scale from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_Blockmanager’ from node: Set StartVec in graph: EventGraph in object: Blockmanager with description: Accessed None trying to read property Block00scale
And i dont know what it means, i compiled my folders when i selected Block000 from “object types” as the variable type, if that helps any.
If theres a way around this i dont know of it.

Now its doing this and im starting to lose my mind, am i sane?


The blue variables (actor references) are exactly that. References.
They point to ( / reference) a thing that exists in the level. It follows that you can not reference something that does not exist yet. So you have an issue here :wink:

What you can do is not use a reference to the actor. But reference the class (purple variable). Set that to the element you want (“BP_Block00” for example). And at the beginning of your script. “Spawn actor from class” (with your class variable as input). Then going forward use that newly spawned actor as reference for all your calculation.

Don’t forget to delete it once you’re done or make sure it has the correct position initially!
