How do I get the bone name of other comp with OnComponentHit

I am looking at the FHitResult struct that I receive with OnComponentHit when dealing with a SkeletalMesh and PhysicsAsset. I see that within this struct BoneName is the name of the bone that my colliding physics body is attached to. This is great so I can see which part of my mesh was hit, however I would also like to know which BoneName on the other PhysicsAsset I hit when dealing with SkeletalMesh on SkeletalMesh collision. Is this possible?

Check this one in AActor. The other bone i think it in OtherInfo.BoneName.

void AActor::DispatchPhysicsCollisionHit(const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& MyInfo, const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& OtherInfo, const FCollisionImpactData& RigidCollisionData)

But i don’t know how to get it.

Thanks this helps, I suppose I could go into the engine and modify the Broadcast to also give me the other Actors bone, Ill update here once I try it