WidgetComponent missing property accessors

I noticed that some of the properties in UWidgetComponent are protected and have no getter/setter, so that it is not possible to modify them from C++ code. I know that I could subclass the Component and make my own accessor functions, but I feel that there is no reason that they are missing in the base class.

Most notably from my perspective (but there may be others):

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=UserInterface)
float RedrawTime;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=UserInterface)
bool bDrawAtDesiredSize;


Going through the class definition I detected some more properties without accessors. There is also no access from blueprint during runtime (EditAnywhere only). Maybe the properties are currently not designed or tested to be changed at runtime. If this is the case then the workflow would be to subclass WidgetComponent and set the properties in Constructor.

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=UserInterface)
bool bManuallyRedraw;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=UserInterface)
bool bWindowFocusable;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Rendering)
bool bIsTwoSided;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Animation)
bool TickWhenOffscreen;

Hello Wurmloch83,

I’ll place a feature request to have some getter/setter functions made for these variables but before I do that, are there any other variables in this class that need it? You mentioned there may be more but I figured I’d give you a chance to check that before I place the request in.

Updated my question, thanks for taking my report into account.

Thank you for the information. I’ve placed a feature request in for these functions which you can find here: UE-42487. You can also track the report’s status there.

Have a nice day!