Why is my landscape tesselation so slow?

Hello everyone,

This my landscape material - empty map, dynamic lighting:

Wireframe view:

Tessellation multiplier:

Now, with the tessellation ON, I get 16 frames/s with what you see in the viewport. Tessellation OFF - 108 frames/s. Graphics card is Geforce 1050Ti. What is going on and is this normal? Any advice appreciated. Thank you.

From what I can tell this is normal. I have seen many people who can’t figure out why their level is suddenly super slow and it has turned out to be they enabled tessellation on their landscape material and forgot about it. A 1050 is not a super fast card either, so my guess is that tessellation of a large landscape is not an option for you.

The other problem with tessellation in landscapes is that it doesn’t alter the collision and so your characters foot goes through it.

Here is a post from last year where people are discussing how landscape tessellation really is not a viable option:

The point though is that the map is empty and there isn’t too much going on in the shot at all. All the other tessellated stuff like Unigine Heaven and SW Battlefront run maxed out and fluid on the 1050, so what is wrong with UE4? I guess I’ll be trying POM. Thanks for the input.

I should also add that the heightmap size is 511, so it’s not a big map by any standards.

Yeah, I think it is a known issue in the engine that Landscape Tessellation is not a viable option in UE4.