How do you get platform to make COD, Halo, and other FPS games?

There are included samples of these types of game in the engine already, when you create a new project you will be able to choose the starting point as a template for an FPS game.

Also there is a semi completed project called ShooterGame that is made by Epic which should act as a good learning asset as well as a possible starting point:

To download the project look in the Learning Tab of the Launcher

I’m just looking for platform to create FPS game like COD, halo, and other games. Where can I find tutorials in UE4?


No. I’m looking for legitimacy, not some minors. Halo, and Shootergame can’t even be compared since Halo is far more advanced than the shootergame. I’m looking for step by step on making legit game that has the same platform as COD.

Can you at least provide me a link of tutorial to your definition of “good learning asset?”

I want to make a game like COD, but I need blueprints, C++ codes. I’m ready to make my own figures, and actions. But like making trailers, and merely everything about it, I found none in UE4 sources.

All those weren’t helpful. I’m looking for precision.

So I addressed it here.

Thanks for trying to help though.

You won’t find an exact step by step, at least not anytime soon, because a game like that is accomplished by a large team. What you need to do is research the individual aspects of creating the game and build it out as you learn the processes for everything.

If you start with the ones from Epic you really can’t go wrong, they will serve as a decent learning point from which your skills can grow:

Yeah I did, I even made a modified game of the duplicate one. But there are many bugs: 1) It doesn’t tell you how to replace motions. 2) It doesn’t provide code- you need certain c++ code in order to maximize the compatibility as COD, and Halo. 3) I mean there are lot of sort of thing. They only tell you how to make the game provided, but not more advanced.

In other words, they ONLY teach you what’s out as a thumbnail. Not what I’m looking for - legitimacy, again.

Thanks for trying to help though. Appreciated.

Here’s my advice then, break down everything you need your game to have/do, separate it into blocks of elements such as UI, animations, functionality etc…then start with a good well written GDD and start working your way through each area building out your game from scratch or from a starting point using one of the templates or game examples provided by Epic.

If you don’t know what a GDD is then this link will also help you get started: Sloperama Productions - Lesson #1

Not to be rude or anything but you’re not necessarily answering my question. I asked for platform, not a module or alternative. Things like this even a beginner can call out who just started using game engine for the first time in an hour - and so did I was capable.

UE4 is a platform for making games like the ones you’ve mentioned…

I have been search for what seems like a year to this answer and this is the first “real” answer I have found. Thank you @Black_Phoenyx…I am very appreciative!

@TerryMiddleton the best approach is the one I’ve already mentioned, take the end project idea you have in mind and break it down into smaller and smaller bits. First by just writing the general ideas in a list and then breaking those down into smaller and smaller pieces until you have an outline of everything. Then you can start by writing pseudo code or just a step by step of what needs to happen for something to function the way you intend it to…basically a breakdown of each item that can be as simple as something like this:

“AI grenade dodge ability” - Player throws grenade towards the AI so the AI should dodge - How to make it happen: AI senses the presence of a grenade, activates dodge to avoid grenade. AI needs to get the world location of the grenade then find a world location within its dodge radius away from the grenade then execute the dodge.

“Equipment - Grenade”
Detonation Time: 0.5 - 1 seconds (after first impact)
Blast Radius: 1.25 - 2.25 meters (randomized within range)
Damage: 100
Bounces: True

You can see from this simple outline a few things that you can immediately add into your AI blueprints or code and your grenade blueprints or code, some variables such as damage, health (or how much damage from the grenade it can withstand), dodge radius, grenade blast radius, and AI sensor ranges for grenades as well as the ability to get the locations of the grenade and which direction to dodge to avoid it based on the location of the grenade etc etc. The more you write out in your break down the easier it will be to focus on what you need to code or setup in blueprints to make it work in your game and then you’ll be able to refine each until they are what you want them to be.

Then once all the pieces are broken down enough you can begin working on the actual coding or blueprints to make them all work and because the individual pieces are laid out you can focus on each element you need to make them come together working your way from the core out. For instance using the example above you know that you need the grenade to bounce so in the projectile properties you can look at tweaking the bounce properties of the projectile until it fits your needs, as well as adding in the blocks for the detonation, blast radius, damage etc etc. If you hit something you don’t understand having it all written out in an outline also helps get you the answers you need for something specific such as how do you adjust or add bounce to a projectile, add a particle for the explosion, etc., etc.

Planning is the key to a good execution and knowing what you want to execute (or want to create) definitely helps. Outlining everything from input controls, color palettes, and even the main experience you want your players to have is very important. A good example of this is the experience the developers of Doom 2016 wanted their players to have…they wanted to break the mold of CoD style playing, ie like hiding behind cover and shooting enemies from afar, so they implemented a mechanic that rewarded the players for charging into battle by giving health drops for up-close kills.

Think about and document every aspect of your game and segment it into pieces that are much easier to accomplish and most importantly for someone just getting started…easier to research and find answers for. Asking for very broad answers is going to get you very broad answers, however, being able to ask very specific questions on something as my example shows will get you specific answers. Some things will definitely be in the engine’s documentation such as projectile bounce and many more will be learned through the simple tutorials that you can then apply and tweak to your specific project needs. As you work your way through each item you will encounter things you haven’t thought of before as well as learn how to implement each piece into a larger project.

Here’s some more resources that may be helpful:

A step by step tutorial that covers many aspects that should help you get some ideas and possibly get started on:

Some resources to give you some insight that entertain and you can learn from, but they aren’t tutorials:

AI and Games:

Game Maker’s Toolkit:

You can also find paid tutorials from companies like udemy and digital tutors and many many more that are free on YouTube.

As a closer, I’d like to just say that the key will be having some flexibility to alter your ideas and a drive to learn and experiment until you have the game you want to create finished…and more importantly a game that is fun to play for the game that it is and not for the game that it is like.

OP, what do you mean by a “platform”? Like a set of pre-configured game objects and assets / code that can be modified to create something more developed and unique?

@BlackPhoenyx with a great deal of appreciation, thank your detailed breakdown here. It is truly great. I was a programmer in a former career so I fully appreciate the level of detail you have to spec out so you can hand it off to devs.

Thank you for the knowledge & experience share here. I’m taking notes and methodically moving toward my goal.
