How to make an arrow point to another actor?

Dumb question, but how would one make something like an arrow point at another actor in Blueprint?

Use an RInterpTo node… there’s a blog post on it : The Subtle Magic of InterpTo() - Unreal Engine

Hey GG04,

You can look into using the Find Look at Rotation node, that takes a Start location (your arrow) and your Target location (the object you are pointing at) and then returns the Rotation that your arrow needs in order to point at the Target.

Hope that helps!


Thanks, now how can I set its length to point exactly to the Target Location please ?

Let’s say A is the start location and B is the target location. If you subtract these two vectors ( B - A ) and feed the result to a length node you get the distance between the two points.

You can then multiply the arrow’s scale X component by that distance you found. If the default arrow component is 1 meter long and the distance between the targets is 30 meters, you would set the X scale to 30. If the arrow is 1 cm long then you would set the X scale to 3000.