Open map makes it crash

I clicked play and paused the game… then I hit f5 and resume the play, it remains the same green screen but I can barely see somethings and when I click left (my radial force and unreal engine 4’s built in explosion particle) the explosion comes as red boxed particles and the thing under the sceen goes to extremely bad

I wanted to add a refresh map function from blueprint by the easiest way…added open map to f5 and wrote the exact map name, then I started the game and pressed f5 and it became buggy and green screen… I was able to play but everything was green… I mean the screen… not objects. then I tried to add the map to the blueprint and binded it to “open map” name… then after I click play, I can’t even try to play with green screen and instantly crashes

log says:
TravelFailure: InvalidURL, Reason for Failure: ‘Invalid URL: /Game/Afterlongtime’. Shutting down PIE
TravelFailure: ClientTravelFailure, Reason for Failure: ‘Invalid URL: /Game/Afterlongtime’. Shutting down PIE

and this is the screenshot:

F5 is bound to one of the debug (shader complexity I think) so you can’t bind any functions to it. Alt+8 in the editor viewport and F5 during runtime/gameplay.

lol… never tried f5 without trying open map… thanks :slight_smile: