Package Error (because of Editor VR?)

Hello everyone,

I hope the title is not misleading but I think it’s related to the error.

I’ve been working on an ambitious ArchViz project and I’ll have to compile it to work as a standalone software, I’ve been packaging every couple of days to make sure “it’s still going” as I’m simply a 3D Artist and it’s very complicated for me to deal with the technical details behind the engine.

I’m getting 3D assets from a messy ArchiCAD file, and I thought that would be the problem but here’s part of the log:

[2017.02.27-16.21.02:695][ 0]LogWindows:Error: Failed to find dependency index for WidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass /Engine/VREditor/Tutorial/UI_VR_Tutorial_00.UI_VR_Tutorial_00_C (Function /Game/3D_Controller_assets/Set_Current_Widget.Set_Current_Widget_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Set_Current_Widget)

Sometimes I use editorVR for some specific purposes, such as populating the world with billboard trees and observe the scene to keep track of what’s going on (It’s 26 apartments), I’ve used it before during early stages and I have successfuly packaged since then, but today, error.

While using the editorVR, sometimes when I change the world scale, it also changes the “world to meters” scale in “world settings”, and I have to write it back, so… I’m not sure of what to make of this.

Am I reading it correctly?

Well, thanks in advance!

  • John

Complete Log

I solved the issue, I had a bad reference to the UI_VR_Tutorial_00 widget (it was set as defaul widget class, even though it wasn’t connected to anything), and something similar with one of my own widgets. They were both my mistakes, my conclude that I should be more careful leaving unused nodes around in blueprints.