Export Data table

Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to export a data table to a csv file?
I have until now only been working with the data table from within the engine, but now I wish to be able to modify it through a csv file which I can then import. But seeing as I have already added data to it, I’d need to export it first.

I am not on my comp now but, i’m pretty sure you can right click the asset, Data Table action (up top), export as CSV. Done. :slight_smile:

Oh, it’s right there! I didn’t think of right clicking the asset. Thank you.

You are welcome. :))

No, not just using blueprints. However, creating a c++ library that exposes those options to blueprints is so easy that even I managed to do it.

You can export a data table to csv, but let’s differentiate between PIE (Play In Editor) and a built game. In both cases, you can export the data table to a csv but in a built game, you can not ‘update the data table’ with the new content. In the editor however, you can reimport the data table to update it.

Useful links:

( GetTableAsCSV )


( SaveStringToFile )

(the writeflags)

Is there a way to export that data to csv of txt during gameplay, using blueprints?