SetRelativeRotation with Pawn Control Rotation On [DESPERATE FOR HELP]

SetRelativeRotation with Pawn Control Rotation ON???

Hello , I am currently making a game and in my actor I have had my Pawn Control Rotation set ON because its a FPS that I am making , and I am doing a lean feature when you lean , you’ll have a little bit of a camera rotation , but when I tried the “SetRelativeRotation” with Pawn Control Rotation ON , it doesn’t work , with the Pawn Control Rotation OFF , it works perfectly , the “SetRelativeLocation” works with both on and off , I am just wondering how do you make your camera rotate while walking around etc with Pawn Control Rotation ON? Thank you very much

All I wanna do is be able to look around pitch and yaw , but turning off Pawn Controller Rotation wouldn’t allow me to look up or down and also using the Add Controller Input to Pitch , would mess up my full body , because when I look up , the body also follows my camera and looks up loool. The reason I use Pawn Controller Rotation is because when I look down , the body remains there and doesn’t move , only my hands move. I wanna be able to rotate the camera while looking up and down etc , any idea how to do that?

I’m going to assume you’ve already attached the camera to the character.

So if you go into your character blueprint, select viewport to look at your character, then click on the character mesh at the top left, now on the right side enable pitch and yaw controls. It sounds like that might be what you are looking for…