How can I change an anim blueprint to another in C++?

Hello, I set up a system so that the player’s mesh and skeleton can change, but I have different animation blueprints for each skeleton. So, I would like to change the animation blueprint when the skeleton is changed, but I don’t know how to do this. Can someone help ?

You have to use following code to change animation blueprint. This function also changes animation mode to the BlueprintAnimated


Full code to change both skeleton and anim BP (taken from the actor factory)

	// Term Component

	// Change properties
	NewSMActor->GetSkeletalMeshComponent()->SkeletalMesh = SkeletalMesh;
	if (NewSMActor->GetWorld()->IsGameWorld())
		NewSMActor->ReplicatedMesh = SkeletalMesh;

	// Init Component
	if( AnimBlueprint )

Ok, thank you, I will try it.