Cant Package in ue4.15

I cant package my game in ue4.15. I have tried everything i know how.[link text][1]

128231-problem.txt (128 KB)

What error messages did you get? Post your log so we can se wat went wrong.

Sometimes this happens to me too. Most of time simply delete the intermediate, saved and build folder. Do then a fix redirection in the editor. Then it should compile. But without crashlog i cant say more

Here is my error log[link text][1]

128231-problem.txt (128 KB)

Search that log for “Error” Things like

LogTemp:Display: IPP ERROR: Application exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Users\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\MobileDevice\Provisioning Profiles’.

show some missing files?

Do you use plugins? Do you use C++?

     MSVCRT.lib(exe_winmain.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol WinMain referenced in function "int __cdecl __scrt_common_main_seh(void)" (?__scrt_common_main_seh@@YAHXZ)
    UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: C:\Users\\Documents\Unreal Projects\Launch\Binaries\Win64\Launch.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

It Looks like something isn’t linked very well. That could be a plugin or something with you C++ files.


  • Have you tried deleting your Intermediate and Saved folders from the project?
  • Did you change any of the VC++?
  • Is this happening in a newly created project?
  • Were you experiencing this issue in 4.14 as well?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Try to select the map you are trying to pack in your customized launch profile

I got this issue to on 4.17.1 when i package my game in shipping or developpement [Log here][1] (look at the end), but not in 4.16.3.

Any idea on where search this issue ?

211873-logerror.log (372 KB)

the best thing to do i have found when packaging is to migrate just the levels into a new project