Is there a way to unload textures using Blueprints Only?

Is there a way to unload textures using Blueprints Only (if not, how to unload them with C++, or maybe expose those functions to BP)? I tried everything, including having actors with those textures in a streamed level and unloading it - doesn’t help. Please, help!
(I’m loading textures on run time with Load Asset.)

I found this question that describes a similar issue. Zamy mentions

if you simply remove any pointer to it, it should be removed automatically

So I’d assume you just need to replace the loaded asset with something else or a null variable.

That’s what I’m doing - replacing references to texture in my materials and actors… but I have references to assets in the DataTable Row on the first place, and those they cannot be replaced. I wonder if there is some workaround to have some dynamical references or something. If I don’t have a reference in a DataTable, how should I load asset in the first place…? Store not a texture, but a name or path to it? Sorry if it seems like stupid questions, I’m just recently started learning UE. Thanks!

I’m not sure I can help any further sorry, I just don’t know enough. I’d assume that the textures are only loaded when you put them on something like referencing it from an object to display on screen, otherwise I wouldn’t think it was being referenced at all.

Hi! Did you find any solution for this? I have the same problem: I need to load thousands of 2k-textures in runtime with only one frame active. The textures get saved and are filling my memory until my project crashes. I already tried level streaming with multiple sets of 100 frames in each sublevel but the data still gets saved. I used Load Asset too and later replaced it by these sub-levels.