Creating Responsive UMG Design

Hello guys,

I want to create a responsive UMG design in UE. I have 3 separate widgets which I want to arrange it in column structure when canvas size is of the desktop monitor.But when same is opened in portrait mode(Mobile or tablet) I want these 3 widgets to be displayed in row structure one after the other.

Below is attached image showing a structure in Monitor and Mobile view.
Is there any way in UE4 to achieve such layout?

You can use a “Vertical/Horizontal Box” to structure your design in that way. You can also switch between those boxes with the “Widget Switcher”

WTF is: Vertical Box

WTF is: Horizontal Box

WTF is: Widget Switcher

Alternatively based on your requirements you could use a Grid and set the Row/Column index per child depending on resolution

For anyone coming here in the future:
Wrap box is extremely useful here

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