[Bug] strange light on weapon


I have found a weird lightning bug.

You can see on the picture that the gun is lit, although I’m in a “dark” room. This also happens with the standard gun. Is there a function in the skeletal mesh editor where I can see the light maps, because they are probably wrong?

Thank you for your answers.

What type of lights are you using? Only Stationary and Movable lights will allow movable objects like skeletal meshes to receive shadows from the environment.

I have deleted the stationary directional light and addet a directional light moveable to the shooter template map. (when I have both in the level it isn’t working) Now it’s working. Thank you! !

Hey Philipp,

I submitted this to the team for them to look at. I am also looking into seeing the light map on a skeletal mesh.

Best Regards,


Ok, thank you :smiley: