Set Visibility w/ OnSelectionChange

Hello guys,

Im trying to do a really simple thing, but its not working, I have tried using Sequence, Tick event, and no success.

I just want to when you select in the Combox the “Custom” option show the Custom Quality Canvas, and if you select another option in the combo box, eg: Low, Medium, High or Ultra, the Custom Quality Canvas will be invisible (dont show).

Below the image of my widget blueprint:


The default value of your CustomQualtiy variable is “Custom”, are you ever setting it’s value to anything?
It looks like you are setting a different variable, QualitySelected. Meaning the == will always return true.
Looks like you are just checking the wrong variable there, unless there’s something missing from your screenshot.

A Switch On String node might be useful for what you are trying to do.

The “Selected Item” set the QualitySelected, eg: choose Medium in the combo box, the QualitySelected variable will be the value from the combobox, in this case, Medium. Low, Medium, High and Ultra are not Custom, so need to go to False, but this are not working… :frowning:

Above a image from the node.

Never mind…now I see the error, I linked the “Custom Quality” but to work I have to get the QualitySelected and link in the ==
Thanks Mosel3y
Thumbs up :slight_smile:

But you’re setting QualitySelected, and then checking a different variable, CustomQuality. Shouldn’t the QualitySelected variable be connected to the == node?