Project crashes on startup

Hi, from this morning I’ve started getting the same crash every time when I try to open my project. My UE ver. is 4.14 and I’ve never updated it since the start so it is the same installation from the project beginning. Last night I’ve saved my project and gone to bed but from this morning it was not working :S Posting The crash report screenshot and the error log down below. Thanks.

[See Error Log Here][2]

Hello ,

I have a couple questions that will help me narrow down your issue.

  1. Does this crash occur when you open a specific project?
  2. Are you using plug-ins not made by Epic Games?
  3. For the Project you referenced in your question, what were you working on before the project began crashing?


Thanks for help… First of all this error occures on only thisproject… From this I understand there is a problem about loading the modules but I don’t know which one is it or how to solve the issue… The only plugin I use with my engine is, LE Extended Standard Library which is installed on the project from the begining… And I was working on AI behavior tree and animgraph… I was trying to learn AI behaviour timey wimey from this video tutorial actually… UE4 Third Person Cover Shooter - 16 Multipurpose AI Part 3: Assault - YouTube

Helo again… So I Installed Editor Symbols for Debugging now the crash handler gives me this report detail… But I think that is written on the log as well… So downloaded 2.2gb for just this :D… Still don’t have any idea how to fix this :S…

I have one more additional question for you and something
Additional question:

  1. Are you using the LE Extended Library in the Behavior tree you were modifying before the project stopped opening?

Your issue may also lie within your startup map if your Behavior tree or animgraph is being used in it. Taking your startup map out of the project may get your project to open ( you do not have to delete it, just move it our of your project folder)

I created this project upon that tutorial playlist and the tutor was using that plugin from the beginning… So it is very possible that behavior tree is using the plugin… So I moved the map to another folder it worked and unity opened up the project… Thank you very much for that :D… But when I tried to simulate or play the game in editor it crashed again… I think I’m just going to start it from scratch :D…

So I went trough this video tutorials and found out that I made a mistake… That learning sessions did not used LE Extended Library anywhere anytime… I’m now going to create a new project on 4.15 without LE Extended library after that I’ll try to migrate the old data from the first project or create the bps from the beginning (this will be more reliable I guess)… Hopefully I will post the results…