Actor spawned on server cant be controlled by clients after possess

Ok so in my project i have a pawn that spawns on the press of a button, and the player possesses that pawn. With the press of that button again, he goes back to the previous controlled character. The behavior that im observing is:

  • In the server, the spawn occurs, and the player hosting is able to control the secondary spawned pawn.
  • In the clients, the spawn occurs, but the player (client) is unable to control the secondary spawn.
  • In the clients, if i press the button again, they go back to the previous pawn which they are able to control perfectly.
  • The secondary pawn, much as the primary, has the blueprint flags set to replicate on the relevant components.
  • I thought it was related to the controller, but why would it work in the server and not in the clients then?
  • The main pawn is an Character, and the secondary is SpectatorPawn. I thought this could be the cause, bu again, why does it work on the server then?

Any hints on where i should be looking at? Im seriously confused by this.