Editor Crashes When I Assign Apex Clothing File

First and foremost: What I’m using.

Unreal Editor 4.15.0

Blender 2.78

NVidia Apex 1.3 (16997589)

Now for the problem.
I made a model in Blender and put it into UE4. After that, I made the apex clothing file. I made sure both Apex and Unreal had the same version of the model. Next, I imported the clothing file into Unreal. Everything went fine. I assigned the file to the material and it complained about the tangent space not being generated. I generated the tangent space and exported the clothing file again. I reimported the clothing file into UE4. Nothing had crashed thus far. However, as soon as I assigned my cloth material to the cloth asset, the engine crashed. I don’t have the debugging symbols downloaded, but the log says:

Assertion failed: NormalSizeSq > 0.0f [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\ApexClothingUtils.cpp] [Line: 2312]

Any idea what my problem is?

I’ve solved this problem. I was clicking the “Load Last Mesh” button in APEX but if you want to reimport a mesh, you have to manually load it.