change Particle-System material from inside blueprint?

trying to set (runtime) a material for generic particle system, instead of creating tons of particle systems for each specific case.
the below function doesn’t work for me, is it relevant to my case? if so, how can i know the appropriate name for the desired material slot it asks?



I believe this will work if you use the regular Set Material node, the Element Index will apply to the emitter in the particle system, so 0 will be the first emitter, 1 the second, etc. from left to right.



thank you, it what i was looking for :slight_smile:
do you by any means know how can i set it before the particle system starts working? otherwise it emits the particles with the old material before the new one overrides it

Arty, have you tried setting all the options before enabling the Particle System? There’s a Blueprint node for that; you can start the PS as not enabled, then enable it in Blueprint after setting the required options. Does this help?

sorry, but how can mark it to start disabled? there is no bool input, nor node defaults settings as far as i see.
i am using “Spawn Emitter At Location” node.