UGameEngine subclass not loaded

Build Type: Source

Build version: 4.14.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.14

Detailed description of the issue: if the UGameEngine subclass name and the filename of that class diversify, the class setted in DefaultEngine.ini won’t be loaded and it is initialized the default game engine

Class       UDEngine
File        DerivatedEngine.cpp, DerivatedEngine.h


Changing the name to correspond class and filename solve the situation

Hello ,

I’ve never messed with the UGameEngine class before so maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I tried getting this to work without the differing names for a control case before testing the issue and my custom class doesn’t seem to be registered either. I did the following:

  1. Created a new project named “CustEngineTest”
  2. Added a new C++ class based off of UGameEngine named “MyGameEngine”
  3. To see a difference, overrided the Init function and added a log message to it, can see that code below.
  4. Closed the editor, compiled, and added the following lines to the DefaultEngine.ini in the project: [/Script.Engine.Engine]

Upon starting the editor, I saw no changes, and no log message. Is there anything I may be missing that needs to be done to see a change?

virtual void Init(class IEngineLoop* InEngineLoop) override
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Test"));

It’s a game engine class, not an editor engine class, it isn’t loaded in the editor.
Try with the packaged version or Development Client/Server from Visual Studio.

Unfortunately I’m still not seeing a message of any sort, after trying with Development Client and packaging/launching for Windows.

What is the game engine class setted in the other engine.ini as Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Engine.ini and Saved\Temp\Win64\DefaultEngine.ini?

From Engine.ini in Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs:

From DefaultEngine.ini in Saved\Temp\Win64:

Edit: Had copied from another project I tried testing with at first

We haven’t heard from you in a while, []. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, I’d be willing to continue to attempt to reproduce the error but I’ve been unable to do so. In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.