Light Propagation Volume inactive after packaging

Hi everyone,

I’m currently using LPV in a 4.15 project. In the editor it works fine, but when I package my project it doesn’t work anymore.

I’ve made a dynamic setup to toggle it on or off during gameplay to check its status - again, in the editor the GI looks good when activated and can be toggled off ; after build it’s impossible to enable it. The entire scene looks like there is no GI at all.

Please notice that in another map in the same project I’m able to activate the GI after build, but NOT dynamically (I can’t toggle it at runtime using mentioned setup).

Does anyone already encountered this ?
Is there an option to activate somewhere in the settings to enable LPV after packaging ?

Hi, any new up there ?
I’ve tried in a new blank project, the GI works well ingame but I’m unable to package the project with the GI working.

Hey Teapot Creation,

I tested a blank project with a simple scene (see screen) and it worked in a packaged build (windows 64bit Development build).

Would you mind sharing the method you are using to enable/disable the LPV?

Also, would you mind testing in a blank project with a simple scene like mine just to make sure that LPV are working at all for you? That would give a decent amount of info for me.


I already tried with a new project (minimal_default map, with chair and stuff), and it didn’t work, but I’ll do it again as I’m writing these lines.
However here is my setup :
Turned on the LPV in consolevariable.ini, adding r.LightPropagationVolume = 1
Turned on “dynamic indirect lighting” on the directionnal light
At this point, it works in the editor.
Packaging the project for windows64. Hell, it works.

Which parameter can influence the LPV during packaging in my other project ? I didn’t modify any other .ini file or so…

If you didn’t modify any ini files then I would say that should rule out any CVars breaking LPVs.

You may have to troubleshoot by making a copy of your project and then disassembling it until you find the cause. If this is a real bug it could be anything that is breaking LPV in a packaged build.

First thing to do is to delete your saved, intermediate, and config folders
(make sure you are working on your copied project).

Delete this will remove any project settings that you had in your local project so if it fixes the issue you set some project setting that is causing the bug.

Next try new level in your project and make a very basic scene. If that packages properly it may be something in your map or the way the map is set up (world settings) that is causing the issue.

Let me know how the testing goes.

Hey TeapotCreation,

For the time being I’m marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you encounter anything else or want to continue leave a comment and the post will reopen.

and good luck,


Hi Ed,
a lot for your help.
I did not managed to install the 4.15.1 update, so I finally uninstalled and reinstalled the 4.15 version. After packaging th LPV works fine, I’ll keep this projects’ settings for reference.
again !