Get UProperty of UStruct returns wrong value.

I am trying to access value from UStruct defined in UStruct

struct FJsonData

	double prop= 0;

I am using FJsonObjectConverter to convert string to this UStruct:

FJsonObjectConverter::JsonObjectStringToUStruct<FJsonData>(singleObjectString, &JsonData, 0, 0);

But when i am trying to get value of UPROPERTY prop, I am getting wrong values.
I am probably doing something wrong.

FString singleObjectString = StringData.Left( StringData.Find(TEXT("}"))+1);
FJsonData JsonData;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("String received: %s "), *singleObjectString);

FJsonObjectConverter::JsonObjectStringToUStruct<FJsonData>(singleObjectString, &JsonData, 0, 0);

double prop= JsonData.prop;

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("prop: %d \n"), JsonData.prop);


UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("prop: %d \n"), prop);

this is what is in JSON object :

LogTemp:Warning: String received: {

and this is what i am getting:

LogTemp:Warning: prop: -2057723378

LogTemp:Warning: prop: -2057723378

LogTemp:Warning: prop: -1746994423

and so on

I figured it out, parser had problems with my incoming json object so it was not able to parse and proceed data to my uStruct.
Application that was responsible for sending data was adjusted, and also the way i was reading string that was processed to Json to ustruct parser.