Enabling Collision generates Begin Overlap Event


I have an AI that moves to a specific point. That point has a collision component where I detect the AI. When I detect the AI, I disable the collision on the AI. When I re-enable the collision on the AI, the “point” gets the Begin Overlap Event. I do not want the Begin Overlap event generated for the “point” when I enable collision on the AI. Is there a way around that?

This isn’t an answer. It would still be nice to have the option to not generate an event when enabling collision through script.

I figured out a workaround. When I re-enable the collision, I set the “point” variable to nothing. On the On Begin Overlap Event, I check to see if the point is valid, if it’s not, then I don’t do anything. It’s a hack, but it works (so far) without any residual effects.