Tick not called on replicated Player controller if game paused

Hi Guys,
the problem I’m experiencing is that the remote version (PC that runs on clients, that have role Autonomus_proxy to be clear) don’t have tick called on it when I set game pause from the server. All the authority versions that run on server instead have correctly called Tick.

Player controller and GameMode constructor set the following properties:

PrimaryActorTick.bStartWithTickEnabled = true;
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
PrimaryActorTick.bTickEvenWhenPaused = true; //Setting this true I expect tick is always called
bAllowTickBeforeBeginPlay = false; //I've tested with this both true and false

I’m trying to do this because I want to pause the game when a new player connects until all is correctly initialized (the problem is that the init flow is on remote PC Tick that is not called, therefore causing the game to hang forever in pause).

My test is done by pausing the game on GameMode BeginPlay calling SetGamePaused(this, true); and planning to unpause after all player are correctly initialized, but if I start with game pause I will wait forever because tick on remote client PC is not called as expected.

Thanks in advance


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