Cant package UE4 4.10.4

Hi. Have a problem with my package.
Have a .docx Output log
[link text][1]

128986-64+error+package.rar (50.6 KB)


  • What version of Visual Studio are you using?
  • Are you using a source or binary version of the engine?
  • Is this happening in all of your projects you try to package for Windows 64-bit?

It’s possible that your Visual Studio installation became corrupt. In order to resolve the issue, you might need to check whether Visual Studios InstallDir property is appropriate (the data should look something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common7\IDE). Also, please make sure that environment variable Path is set correctly in your system (it has a value "C:\Windows\System32"). If that does not help resolve your issue, you may need to actually uninstall and reinstall from a fresh download.

Let me know what the outcome is, thanks!

Thanx for anwsering.

  • I using a 2015 version of Visual Studio

  • I using an compiled version of the engine, and i dont have any more info about this

  • I tried to build newly created project with my 4.10.4 engine, and did not succeed.

And when i ended up the failed build this window is poped up. I enclose it

  • My Visual studio 2015 dir looks like this D:\Programs\VisualStudiO\Common7\IDE

  • Sorry but i dont find how to change my “environment variable Path”. So am i really need to fully delete my visual studio and instal new one? I need to install exactly 2015 or the newest version?

sorry i lose my error log, but i can to resend it if needed


Do not install Visual Studio 2017, it’s not supported for 4.10. So if you opt to reinstall your Visual Studio, make sure it’s 2015. Please also check in the Epic Games Launcher under the down arrow beside ‘Launch’ in the ‘Library’ menu and select ‘options’ and make sure there is a check mark beside all of the platforms you’re packaging for and Editor Symbols for Debugging.



After you’ve done that, upload the logs again. I keep seeing question marks in your logs for the errors, which aren’t helpful.

The problem is that my engine is don’t in a epic games launcher.

And i can’t to choose exactly 4.10.4 from the “Add engine menu”


My engine was downloaded not from here, and for now its laying just in a different folder. I Assign my project by RMB with .uproject - Switch unreal engine version…
I can’t reinstall engine or switch the project engine version so all of this is very important. Can i assign my 4.10.4 engine to Epic games launcher library somehow?

Thanks for keep helping me this far.

You have 4.10 showing up in your library. You’ll need to update it to 4.10.4 if you want the hotfix versions for 4.10.

If you want to uninstall 4.10.1, click on that dropdown menu and press ‘remove’.