,Linked Dll not loading for plugin outside of Ue4Editor.exe file

,Hey all, I’m trying to load a c++ dll that references a C#.net library, and whenever I try to use the function it gives me the following:

An unhandled exception of type ‘System.IO.FileNotFoundException’ occurred in Unknown Module.
Additional information: Could not load file or assembly ‘Publics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxx’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

It works when I add Publics.dll directly to the Ue4Editor.exe folder, with symbols and everything. But everything I’ve tried to add to the path, or load manually, has failed.

This is my PluginModule.cpp file:

 void PluginModule::StartupModule()
	//Search project plugins folder for Dll
	FString dllName = "ClassLibrary.dll"; // Going through this same process with Publics.dll doesn't work
	if (SearchForDllPath(FPaths::GamePluginsDir(), dllName))
		// Call the test function in the third party library that opens a message box
		std::string val = ExampleCSharp(); // <-- Fails here
		MessageBox(NULL, UTF8_TO_TCHAR(val.c_str()), NULL, NULL);
	else if (SearchForDllPath(FPaths::EnginePluginsDir(), dllName)) //Failed in project dir, try engine plugins dir
		//Stop loading - plugin required DLL to load successfully
		checkf(false, TEXT("Failed to load dll"));

bool PluginModule::SearchForDllPath(FString _searchBase, FString _dllName)
	//Search Plugins folder for an instance of Dll.dll, and add to platform search path
	TArray<FString> directoriesToSkip;
	IPlatformFile &PlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();
	FLocalTimestampDirectoryVisitor Visitor(PlatformFile, directoriesToSkip, directoriesToSkip, false);
	PlatformFile.IterateDirectory(*_searchBase, Visitor);

	for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator TimestampIt(Visitor.FileTimes); TimestampIt; ++TimestampIt)
		const FString file = TimestampIt.Key();
		const FString filePath = FPaths::GetPath(file);
		const FString fileName = FPaths::GetCleanFilename(file);
		if (fileName.Compare(_dllName) == 0)
			FPlatformProcess::AddDllDirectory(*filePath); // only load dll when needed for use. Broken with 4.11.
			FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*file); // auto-load dll with plugin - needed as 4.11 breaks above line.
			return true;
	return false;

This is ClassLibrary.cpp, which generates ClassLibrary.dll:

#include "Stdafx.h"

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "msclr\marshal_cppstd.h"

#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)

DLLEXPORT std::string ExampleCSharp()
	msclr::interop::marshal_context context;
	std::string ret = context.marshal_as<std::string>(Publics::Class1::Run());

	return ret;

This is ClassLibrary.h, which references it:

#include <string>
#define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)

DLLIMPORT std::string ExampleCSharp();

This is my C# file, Class1.cs, which is a part of Publics.dll:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Publics
    public static class Class1
		public static string Run()
			return "Hello From C# Land!";

Here is my plugin.build.cs file:

using System.IO;
using UnrealBuildTool;

public class nXhumanPluginLibrary : ModuleRules
	public nXhumanPluginLibrary(TargetInfo Target)
		Type = ModuleType.External;

		if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
			//RuntimeDependencies.Add(new RuntimeDependency(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "x64", "Release", "Publics.dll"))); Doesn't work
			// Add the import library
			PublicLibraryPaths.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "x64", "Release"));
			//PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add("Publics.dll"); Doesn't work

			// Delay-load the DLL, so we can load it from the right place first
            //PublicDelayLoadDLLs.Add("Publics.dll"); Doesn't work
			//PrivateAssemblyReferences.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "x64", "Release", "Publics.dll")); Doesn't Work