variable content from several actor instances to one widget? how to?

what I like to accomplish is displaying different texts for different locations on the map on one HUD/widget.

For this I created a Actor Blueprint that sets a exposed text variable on overlapping a volume and calls a HUD widget.
Now i place that actor BP several times in the map and enter different variable text in the "Details" tab next to the exposed variable, e.g. "this is area A" or "here you see B".

My problem is now, how to pass on that individual variable context to the Hud? Or otherwise, how to get the correct variable content from that one actor which calls the widget?

I spent ours on casting and variable passing, but did not fing a working solution for the widget and it's event graph.
If someone has a working solution then I would be greatful for screenshots with explanations on how its created and why.

Thanks in adv.

to Scott: I dont have/use a character blueprint for this, as I work with the Shooter game from Epic (launcher), which is in C++.

I just have the one blueprint actor which is placed several time on the map with different text in each’s exposed variable and those actor calling the widget to display the text.

So what are the required nodes in the widget event graph to access that individual texts=variable content from the blueprint actor, and/or what is required in the blueprint actor to pass on its individual variable content to the widget?

screenshots of the required nodes/BP would be great.

you have some actor in the world which owns the camera that you are looking through. probably some kinda pawn, character, player controller, or camera manager. whatever that camera actor is, it knows what can be seen, and should be in charge of owning the collision primitive that overlaps these other information actors, and pulls their data through an interface function, and stores that data. then your Widget can pull that data from that camera actor to display it. to set up the references between Widget and Character, you can have the player controller create the wiget, add it to viewport, store it in a variable, call a function on the widget that sends a character reference variable.