No instance of overloaded function "STextBlock::FArguments::Text" matches the argument list

So I’m trying to add a ComboBox from C++, and this is roughly what’s going on:

	.Text(this, &FGOAPModule::GetCurrentKey)

However, this part returns an error:

.Text(this, &FGOAPModule::GetCurrentKey)

The error reads:

no instance of overloaded function "STextBlock::FArguments::Text" matches the argument list	
argument types are: (FGOAPModule *, FText (FGOAPModule::*)())
object type is: STextBlock::FArguments

However, I’m cross-referencing with this, and I can’t see why it’s throwing an error despite being virtually identical. Additionally, STableViewListing in the source files use .Text in the same way.

Okay, so I realized one thing I’m doing wrong. Apparently, I need to pass .Text a const.

So the function I’m trying to call is this…


FText GetCurrentKey() const;


FText FGOAPModule::GetCurrentKey() const
	if (CurrentItem.IsValid())
		return FText::FromString(*CurrentItem);

	return LOCTEXT("InvalidComboEntryText", "<<Invalid option>>");

However, I’m getting a slew of weird errors now that I try to figure the origin of…

Nevermind, I figured it out.

.Text can take the function arguments, but the function needs to be const, as shown above. I.e

FText FGOAPModule::GetCurrentKey() const
	if (CurrentItem.IsValid())
		return FText::FromString(*CurrentItem);

	return LOCTEXT("InvalidComboEntryText", "<<Invalid option>>");

Now my next problem was that I would get an error when compiling. It was related to delegates, though I’m not privvy to exactly why. Thanks to this link I discovered I needed to make this change…


.Text(this, &FGOAPModule::GetCurrentKey)


.Text_Raw(this, &FGOAPModule::GetCurrentKey)