Editor Crashes when Importing FBX with multiple UV


My Editor Crashes when Importing FBX with multiple UV / Sub-Materials.

I’m some what new to the Engine and the Community so Please correct me if there might be anything Very Obvious I’m NOT doing correctly.

I have been trying to Import the following FBX in UE4.
link text

The FBX gets imported Correctly in Unity, Maya and Max.

I have looked at the following:
UE forums Question about multiple UV Sets
Docs UE FBX Materials
and some more which were of not any Help.

Any guidance would be extremely Helpful.


Hey hitarth1994,

So I was able to successfully import your asset into my test project. I will say the format of your .fbx file was registered with Visual Studio so that could be part of the issues you are experiencing. I would import into one of the 3rd party software applications, and then export using the 2014 or 2016 fbx extension.

I was also receiving a warning about degenerate tangent basis for your model which might be causing a hiccup while importing on your end. Would you provide me with your ‘dxdiag’ so I can take a look at your system’s specs?


Hi @Andrew,

Sorry for the Late Response. We had our Holidays in India.
And Thank You for the Prompt and Helpful response.

We were able to Import the Package. After Importing and Re-Exporting the FBX from Maya 2014. I did send you the FBX Exported from Maya 2014.

.fbx file was registered with Visual Studio

I Do not know What that means OR even How it got there OR even how to Find it.

degenerate tangent

We got that cleared after We were able to Import the FBX in UE4.

I can take a look at your system’s specs?

Processor: Intel i3-3220 @ 3.30GHz

Ram: 8 Gb @ 1300Mhz

Graphics: Gigabyte Nvidia GT 710 with 2GB Ram

HDD: WD 500GB @ 5400RPM

Thank You,