FORWARD RENDERING : reflection sphere on HQ reflective material has a non-gradating falloff

as you’ll see in that pic, if i create a reflection sphere on a material with the high quality reflections flag on, it has a precise termination edge and doesn’t gradate out properly so it can’t be used. i noticed that if you have two touching spherical reflections, they blend well into each other, but just don’t blend well onto any geometry that DOESN’T have a reflection sphere already hitting them. If you look really closely at the edge of that circle, you’ll see there IS a gradation, it’s just microscopic…

steps to reproduce:

  • load the editor in the forward rendering mode
  • create a material that has the HIGH QUALITY REFLECTIONS option on
  • place a mesh in a level
  • create a reflection sphere and have it touch that mesh. you’ll see that it should be smoothly gradating into view, but it doesn’t. it has a very harsh edge at the outer limits of the sphere.

I didn’t reproduce any hard falloff like shown in your screenshot. What I suspect is happening is you are seeing the edges of the mesh it’s self occluding the sky in the reflection.

To test this you simply need to select your rectangular mesh in the screenshot and uncheck “Visible in Reflection Capture” then update your captures.

Here is a before and after shot.

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
