why does my validation check not work?

Problem: I destroy an Actor belonging to an AI Controller. I used Un Posses and DestroyActor (Pawn) (just to be safe)

On Tick, i update the AI, so i wanted to check if the Controlled Pawn is still valid, and if not, do nothing, and wait until the AI get’s assigned to a new pawn.

So, on Event Tick i used a validation check IsValid before my main sequence, but while playing, i get some errors in the functions/macros after the sequence. How is that possible? I copied the validation, thing and added it after the sequence, and it seems to work, but i still get random errors once in a while and feel not safe anymore…

If the Pawn does not exist, the execution should never reach the sequence any way.
Is the pawn not immediately destroyed after DestroyActor? How can it be? And how can i solve this problem?

Thanks for help :slight_smile: