Networked Attach Player Not Behaving Correctly on Server

I am trying to attach a player’s character to a vehicle when entering the vehicle. The code i have works fine when running a local game, but the problem i have is that when running this in a networked game, the character is not being attached to the vehicle.

Below is some code that is called on the server when a player enters a vehicle and when the bIsInVehicle variable is OnRep’d to clients:


// Do not allow the character to attempt to walk whilst in the vehicle

// Attach to the vehicle at seat socket
FString SocketName = "Seat_";
AttachToComponent(CurrentVehicle->GetMesh(), FAttachmentTransformRules(EAttachmentRule::SnapToTarget, true), FName(*SocketName));

This is only a problem when running a dedicated server.

While debugging this, i made the server log the player’s position while he’s in the vehicle as you can see below:

This suggests the player is either not properly attached or there is some kind of collision or physical happening going on somewhere.

Is there anything i am doing wrong here?

After further debugging, it seems that even if i make the attachment code run only on the server, i can see from Client 2 that the player’s mesh is attached to the vehicle.

So it seems like the player is being moved, but the log indicates differently