Mesh collision in skeletal mesh not working

I have a simple tank model and it fits my needs to use a Character Blueprint for it. However, I am struggling trying to set up the collision for my object, as none of the solutions I found on Internet seemed to work for me and I am trying to avoid dipping into C++.

All the problem derives from the fact that it is impossible to fit the CapsuleComponent into my mesh, creating strange collisions. So, after about three days stuck in it, I decided to use the “A Hybrid Solution” found on [this post][1].

I want the capsule to handle only the terrain collision and my Physics Asset to handle the most complex ones. The capsule works fine, as it detects the terrain through a specific channel, but, it does not matter what I do, the mesh inside it ignores all collisions. I am trying to make it stop at a simple wall, but it always goes through.

This is my setup:

The tank’s capsule:

The tank’s mesh:

The Physics Asset:

The wall I am trying to collide with:

Ant the result:


Did you manage to sort out this issue I am having the exact same problem and can not figure it out