Unable to package iOS on MAC

This worked three months ago (what is that 4.12/13?).

I’m getting a suspicious error during the build process - could be a bug in the error itself but could also indicate the problem is that my project is within “Unreal Projects” and the packaging process has a problem with the space (will test this).

 Compiling with iPhoneOS SDK 10.2
Parsing headers for MM_04
  Running UnrealHeaderTool "/Users/thomasshepherd/Documents/Unreal Projects/MM/MM_04.uproject" "/Users/thomasshepherd/Documents/Unreal Projects/MM/Intermediate/Build/IOS/MM_04/Shipping/MM_04.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Reflection code generated for MM_04 in 11.3637121 seconds
Performing 11 actions (4 in parallel)
[2/11] clang++ Module.MM_04.5_of_7.cpp
[1/11] clang++ Module.MM_04.3_of_7.cpp
[4/11] clang++ Module.MM_04.4_of_7.cpp
[3/11] clang++ Module.MM_04.7_of_7.cpp
[5/11] clang++ Module.MM_04.6_of_7.cpp
[6/11] clang++ Module.MM_04.2_of_7.cpp
[7/11] clang++ Module.MM_04.1_of_7.cpp
[8/11] clang++ MM_04.generated.cpp
[9/11] clang++ UELinkerFixups.cpp
[10/11] sh /Users/thomasshepherd/Documents/Unreal Projects/MM/Binaries/IOS/MM_04-IOS-Shipping
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'Projects/MM/Binaries/IOS'
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: /Users/thomasshepherd/Documents/Unreal Projects/MM/Binaries/IOS/MM_04-IOS-Shipping
Total build time: 397.07 seconds

Replacing the space with an underscore got me to the next problem. I’m going to leave the bug open though in the unlikely that Epic hasn’t already found and fixed this issue!

Spaces are not regonized and will throw errors when they’re used. You went about this the right way. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the confirmation !

Would be good to have a clearer error - something specific to the space not a sliced path in the middle of the output - I wasted a bit of time clearing out intermediate data etc and trying multiple times before realising the mistake.

Also - I don’t think I created the space, I think Unreal did when I created projects in it (likely back at 4.2) - could be wrong though but I don’t typically put spaces in file names. Could be it did this on PC and I copied the naming convention to MAC when I pulled the github repo over.