Automated Tests


I’m running some automated tests via command line to integrate Fastlane on iOS.
The test runs fine, but at the end of the test we don’t receive any exit command back and the simulator keeps on in the screen. How can we close the simulator at the end of the test?

we run this command

  sh """
    ${engine_path}/Engine/Binaries/Mac/ ${project_path}FutureMobile.uproject -Game -ExecCmds='Automation RunTests System' -log

and at the end of the tests the simulator keep on without any exit command.

Hi Burak,

Sorry for the delayed response. I actually had to do a bit of research today for this, since I wasn’t sure how to accomplish what you needed. It turns out this is actually fairly simple to do. Just modify your command to include the Quit command, like this:

${engine_path}/Engine/Binaries/Mac/ ${project_path}FutureMobile.uproject -Game -ExecCmds='Automation RunTests System; Quit' -log

This will run the automated tests, then run the Quit command once the tests are complete.