Blender Timeline Animation to UE4

Hi, I am using Blender to model objects for UE4 and everything has been working well (UV Mapping, FBX Importing) but now I am running into an issue with putting an animated safe into UE4. I have modeled the safe and used timeline animation in blender to create the animation, but when I try to import the model into UE4 the only way to add animations is with skeletal meshes, which my animation does not use. Does anyone know of a way for me to get my animated safe into UE4 without manually creating timelines in blueprint to animate the parts of the safe like it is shown [Here][1]? I can import the mesh without any animation fine in engine. If I import it with the skeletal mesh option enabled (In the UE4 FBX Importer) it creates over 1000 different assets which I do not know how to use. I feel like I am missing something simple or this is just not possible. In searching I have found [this][2] link but I am pretty clueless when it comes to importing animations.

Here is a gif of my safe animation:


Hi Beeperdp
When exporting FBX from Blender try unchecking ‘Key All Bones’, ‘NLA Strips’, and ‘All Actions’ under the Animation tab then export as normal. You should then get only one animation imported in UE4.

I tried doing that, it helped but did not completely fix the issue. I exported with these changes:


When imported into UE4, I selected these settings:

This created a lot of content:

That image also shows, on the right, the static mesh version of the base of the safe when the material is applied, and on the left one of the content items containing the base from the new import. No animations play in game even when the looping and playing options are set. The skeletal mesh version of the base seems to have weird streaks over it which I am not sure about.

Thank you for the help so far, it is appreciated.


Try this in Blender:

Ensure all non-moving parts of the safe are joined into one mesh – ctrl J.

Parent every moving part of the safe to the above mesh.

Now remake make your animation as before remembering to select everything before making each keyframe.

Export as before.

Thank you, this worked in getting the animation in UE4 but the issue with the materials is still there:


It seems there are indentions in the mesh as well when it is animated.

Edit: Also a side by side comparison with the static mesh version which has no issues with materials:

Edit 2: I think I have it figured out, setting the objects to shadeless under their material settings seems to fix all issues and make it behave the same as a static mesh with animations. Thank you for the help.