Why isn't my number of actors to spawn For Loop working?

So I’ve created a dynamic spawning area for the NPCs in my game:

Basically it’s set up to use the collision box as a random area to spawn the NPCs and the Number of NPCs to Spawn is a public integer. The weird thing though is that if I type in 9 for the value (which should give me 10 NPCs - from index 0 - 9) I only get 6 NPCs spawning. I typed in 16 and I only get 9. What am I doing wrong here?

Have you tried changing the Collision Handling Override on the Spawn node?
It may be that it’s not spawning if they would be colliding.

Oh, it might be that… if it gives two actors a location that’s too close then it just doesn’t spawn one of them… is there a way that I can add spacing into my box extents location so that I can make sure it doesn’t pick two points that are too close to each other?

Actually, setting the collision mode to “Try to adjust Location but always spawn” seemed to fix the issue. Thank you very much.