Enum bug causes widgets to break

Error log
LogClass:Warning: Enum ‘/Game/LOE/Components/CharacterComp/System/CharacterGeneral/CharacterClass.CharacterClass’ was upgraded to use FText to store its display name data. Please re-save this asset to avoid issues with localization and determinstic cooking.

Resaving does not resolve the issue. Error likely related to breaking widget content upon project launch - removes widget content without error upon start. This issue shortly begun to surface after upgrade from 4.14.3 to 4.15 - Can not reproduce. Enum file content looks normal (all user content entries still present).

Example, removes inventory layout contents, from main hud - using Action RPG Inventory System Action RPG Inventory System - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums

Temp fix, readd InventoryLayout widget upon restart, rename it to Inventory.

May be related log warning:
LogClass:Warning: Property DraggedItemInformation of DraggedItemInformation has a struct type mismatch (tag STRUCT_REINST_ItemInformation_0 != prop FallbackStruct) in package: […] /LOE/UI/Blueprints/Inventory/DragItem.uasset. If that struct got renamed, add an entry to ActiveStructRedirects.

Related https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/552685/415-preview1-bug-enum-broken.html#comment-552685-form

This is very weird suddenly the issue seems to have resolved itself … i opened rather randomly a couple enums and saved them. Maybe this indeed fixed the problem for those enums.

There are still enum log incidents remaining, ie. LogClass:Warning: Enum ‘/Game/Assets/OldVillage/Meshes/Structure/Enumerators/BP_Fence_Enum.BP_Fence_Enum’ was upgraded to use FText to store its display name data. Please re-save this asset to avoid issues with localization and determinstic cooking.

And a little later the problem was back, very strange…

Still testing but saving enums seems to indeed fix this problem.

Fixed the breaking of the “Inventory widget” with the following action, removal of hotbar widget from inventoryLayout widget, adding the hotbar to another widget. The issue might have been because of the amount and or proportions of widgets loaded inside of InventoryLayout.

I found the solution to this error only enter to each of the ENU and save it again! hope this help.